04.11.24 – Results from our 2024 union election

Dear members,


The UAOSU Elections Committee is pleased to announce our new officers, delegates, and reps for 2024! 


If you’re wondering if you somehow missed your ballot, you didn’t! At the close of our nominations period this year, none of our officer, delegate, or representative positions were contested – which is not uncommon for local unions of our size. According to our constitution and bylaws, when we don’t have contested seats, no formal election is required. We, the Elections Committee, decided to not carry out a formal election, saving us and our union valuable time and resources.


Most importantly, we have a marvelous group of candidates set to assume office on June 1. Please join us in welcoming the following newly elected officers, reps, and delegates: 

Union Wide Officers


Executive Vice President

Marisa Chappell


Filix Maisch

Vice President for External Relations

Ron Mize

Chair of Grievance Committee

Louisa Hooven


Constituency Specific Vice Presidents


Vice President for Non-Tenure-Track 

Instructional Faculty Affairs

Amanda Granrud


Representative Assembly


Agricultural Sciences

Alicia Leytem

Eliza Smith

Liberal Arts

Lori Cramer

Linda Richards

Veterinary Medicine

Jan Medlock

At Large

Kelly McElroy



Marisa Chappell

Louisa Hooven

Filix Maisch

Jan Medlock

Ron Mize

Joseph Orosco

Steve Shay

You can also see the list of newly elected leaders and any vacancies on our website.


All of our union-wide officer positions are filled for the upcoming year, but there are still openings for Representative in most colleges, as well as some constituency VP and committee chair positions. If you know someone who would make a great UAOSU Representative for your College or a great candidate for one of the open officer positions, please let us know. 




Your UAOSU Elections Committee 

Brianna Beechler, Geoff Barstow, Matt Lynch, Megan Ward, Tim Alcon